Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 55 - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This week has been pretty great!
Tuesday we went to the church and did the church's technology safeguard course and a questionaire for our mission tour in a few months. Oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention last week that we are approved to become a technology mission, I still don't have all the details on that but we are getting new phones in the near future.  We did a lot of finding work for most of the day and then we had a dinner with a part member family too and that was fun.
Wednesday we went to do some service by talking to people at the senior center and we walked in and realized that we had forgotten that Wednesday was bingo day. Everyone there was pretty excited for it and people kept asking us if we were going to play bingo so we stayed and played bingo with them (although we didn't play for prizes) and it was a lot of fun. I think a lot of people enjoyed seeing us there even if we didn't get to talk to so many of them.
Thursday we had district meeting which was pretty fun. We just had a new senior couple added to our district so that was cool. We got to know them a little bit and we had a really good discussion on how the Book of Mormon answers the questions of the soul. Or in other words how the Book of Mormon answers people's questions such as "is there a God?", "Does God know me?", "Why do I have weaknesses?" and so many others. It was really awesome. We also had a mission-wide video conference call about the upcoming Christmas initiative. They are doing #LightTheWorld again which will be super fun to try to do service again during Christmas time. Go check it out on!
Friday we had our usual weekly planning and we had a lesson with one of our recent converts. She is like 15 and we had a super good lesson with her. We then went to knock doors later that night and we were going to try this one area but upon arrival we realized that we didn't have the tracting records for that area. We started in another area nearby that we did have records for but received a pretty cold reception at several of the first houses. I kept feeling like we should try contacting and considering that knocking doors wasn't feeling successful we figured we would try it. We went into Brandbergens small centrum and it was pretty empty but we did stop this one man, or rather we said hello and he recognized who we were and started the conversation for us. It was clear he understood the apostasy. He was hesitant to join any specific religion because there were so many christian churches and they didn't understand the Bible the same and he didn't understand why. He said he had talked to missionaries on a tunnelbana before and so he knew that we also had the Book of Mormon. He was on his way home and Elder Langford asked if we could walk with him. He hesitated for a second and then said sure and we continued the conversation although we mostly just listened, I kept trying to think of something to teach or testify of but nothing seemed very concrete. We didn't get his number or even his name but he appreciated that we listened to him and he said we would probably run across him again on the street sometime. As we continued walking around afterward I knew that we had been there to talk to this man. That was why we were there that night and that was pretty cool that the Spirit was able to lead us there at that time.
Saturday was a pretty slow day for the most part but we had a good time.
Sunday was a great, as usual. We had some great talks in Sacrament meeting about having spiritual experiences, receiving personal revelation, seeing the Lord's hand in our lives, and applying Christ's Atonement to our lives. It was awesome. We also got to help teach the lesson in primary, the kid's class" because the topic was how they could prepare to be missionaries so that was a lot of fun. We also got to hand out Books fo Mormon at the musical again and that was fun. We then got home and got our transfer calls (we are both staying) and then went to stake choir so that was fun.
Today it snowed! It has kind snowed for the last week but today it finally stuck so that is pretty exciting.

--Elder Ashford

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