On Tuesday Äldste Murtonen and I talked to people on the street, but at one point we took a break and went and saw the Landskrona Citadel. It is an old fort from when the Swedes and Danes were fighting over what is now southern Sweden. It was pretty cool! We also had dinner with a member family that night who speak Swedish but with a thick accent that you hear in the southern part of Sweden called Skånish (pronounced like "Scone"). For someone who is trying to understand even normal Swedish it was kind of difficult. Apparently if you can understand Skånish you can understand Swedish anywhere else because this is the hardest accent.
Landskrona Citadel |
The next day my companion and I were on splits with the zone leaders in Malmö so we met them at the train station in Lund and I went with Äldste Chugg to Malmö for the day. We started with helping a member who was moving clean out his apartment with another pair of Elders, one of whom is actually from my MTC district so it was nice to see him again. Later, after lunch, Äldste Chugg and I did some more street contacting on the main street in Malmö. We actually had a lot of awesome conversations with people on the street and met a lot of people coming from all over the world. It's weird how I am in Sweden but I meet people from Palestine or Iran or somewhere else all the time. We even found a few possible investigators that the zone leaders will follow up with later. We then had a lesson with a recent convert on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we can apply the steps of Faith, Repentence, Baptism, The Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End in our lives.
On Thursday we drove back to Landskrona to meet our companions and take them to the train station in Helsingborg where we met the Halmstad Elders for lunch so that I could go on splits AGAIN! I went with Elder White up to Halmstad. We ended up having three lessons that night which was awesome. It was cool to actually have lessons. Äldste Murtonen and I don't have many people to teach and most of them went out of town for Christmas so we haven't done many lessons.
Friday Äldste White and I went back to Helsingborg. Our district did a white elephant exchange with the 6 of us before setting up a street display on the street with snacks and hot chocolate and Julmust (a type of soda they only sell at Christmas time or Easter). We actually had a great time, we talked to a lot of people and a few of them even came in to tour the church. It was great! One of the ladies we talked to was one that Äldste Murtonen and I contacted on the street a week ago!
Saturday we met the Sister Missionaries at the church to relax, play games and eat breakfast since we weren't supposed to proselyte over Christmas. At about 1 we headed to the Bishop's house where we spent the rest of the day. It was really fun and we left a christmas message before we went home which was great.
Christmas day we picked up a less-active member who just moved into our ward and helped him get to the church. It took us 10 minutes on the phone and walking around before we found him! He was really cool though and we laughed about it. For church we read about the birth of Christ and sang a lot of Christmas hymns which was nice. There was a snack then after the meeting so we met with the ward. We helped clean that up and then later we got to Skype home! It's always nice to see family, although it's weird to think about how I won't get to do it again until mother's day. After we all Skyped home we went to a member's home for dinner. It felt kind of weird not having to work at all for the entire weekend, but we were still tired by the time we got home.
It's been a great week and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Remember that Christ loves all of you. I wish all of you a happy new year! Don't forget to think of something to set as a goal to work towards next year. So far on my mission I have learned a lot about how much more you can accomplish when you set goals and make plans to achieve them. I feel like I can accomplish so much more in a day than I used to without planning. There is always something we can do, whether it's trying to learn an instrument, remembering to read our scriptures every day, or something else entirely. With planning and prayer, anything is possible
Happy New Year!

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