Monday after the pump organ incident (see previous email) we had a few lessons and ended up playing a ridiculous game of telephone tag with the Assistants to the mission president.
Tuesday we finally got a hold of the assistants. They were driving down to Malmö and wanted to drive through Norrköping and do some mini exchanges and go contacting for an hour so we did that and it was great! It was a lot of fun! We then met with a couple people including one guy named Ahed, he's from Syria and is pretty cool!
Wednesday was a little interesting. One of our investigators is this older lady who loves church and basically spends her whole day walking around between all the Swedish churches in town. We had tried to meet her at her apartment but she wasn't there so we called and she was at one of the other churches for this little coffee and social thing they do in the morning. We went over there to try to meet her and go out and find somewhere else to sit but then she insists that we join her inside. We ended up going in and needless to say we did not end up teaching the lesson we had planned. We went out later in the day and knocked some doors and then visited one of the members in the ward.
Thursday we had district meeting which was fun. We talked about finding work and we focused a lot on the story where Jesus tells Peter "Feed My Sheep". It was really good. We also got to deliver a Book of Mormon to someone who had requested one online so that was fun.
Friday was also quite the adventure. Our investigator who we have been preparing for baptism, Nils-Erik, had his interview and passed! Right now the plan is he will be baptized this Saturday so I'll keep you all posted. We also went and had a member meal out in Nyköping. We took the train out there and got to the member meal and it was great. We then realized that our train was coming soon and so we rushed out the door and the husband drove us and we got to the station parking lot right as the train started moving...
The next train didn't leave for another hour so the member ended up showing us a few things around Nyköping a little bit but that was cool.
Saturday we had a couple of lessons and we started putting together the baptismal program for Nils-Erik. We also did some weekly planning. Elder Olson has also been home-growing yeast to try and make homemade bread and so we tried that. We didn't make the leaven right though so it didn't rise enough and the bread ended up being basically like a giant, dense, biscuit. We're probably going to try it again some other time.
Sunday both Ahed and Nils-Erik were at church so we were super excited about that. We also went and had a lesson. Then because it was Mother's Day in the US (In Sweden it's like two weeks later) so we got to skype home to our families! That was super fun! Being away from home has made me really appreciate my family. They aren't just one-click away anymore so it was really nice to be able to talk to them. One thing that I have come to understand on the mission is just how important and how great families are. Especially when we remember that God is our Heavenly Father and our families here on Earth give us a small idea of what our heavenly family looks like.
Today we went out hiking and it was pretty cool.
I wish you all a wonderful week!
Pictures are of us hiking, then are "bread", and then the Swedish equivalent of the "slow, children playing" sign that we walked by today
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